Domain Storytelling

Visualise business processes and domain knowledge
Stefan Hofer and Henning Schwentner

Domain Storytelling

No dates are scheduled for this workshop. Let us know if you think we should organize it near you, or if you'd like to book it on premise in your organisation.

Domain Storytelling means that we let domain experts tell us stories about their tasks. While listening, we record the stories using a pictographic language. The domain experts can see immediately whether or not we understand their story. After very few stories, we are able to talk about the people, tasks, tools, work objects, and events in that domain.

Learning objectives:

In this workshop, we will explore how Domain Storytelling can help you with different aspects of DDD:

  • crunch domain knowledge
  • constitute ubiquitous language
  • segregate bounded contexts
  • tactical modelling

You will learn how to adapt the method to the various purposes and you will try out different tools. After the workshop, you will be able to apply Domain Storytelling on your own.

For who:

Domain Storytelling is especially suited for:

  • understanding a domain,
  • establishing a shared language between domain experts and IT expert,
  • talking about software requirements,
  • and designing viable, software-supported business processes.

Domain Storytelling transports the knowledge from the domain experts' heads into the heads of developers, product owners, product managers and business analysts. Domain Storytelling brings these roles together in a workshop where your domain experts will learn from each other and coordinate tasks. Your common understanding of tasks and business processes will be documented as a picture with simple pictograms.


The workshop does not require programming skills. It is suited for people working as software developers, user experience designers, Scrum masters, product owners, product managers, project managers, and business analysts.


The instructors proved us to know the topic very well and gave a clear explanation. The practical exercises provided real value and helped the learning process. This was a great opportunity to have previous doubts about this topic cleared. I feel more confident now to provide more value when facilitating my next domain story telling sessions.

I enjoyed trying out the visual method and understanding the caveats first hand to be aware when modeling real use cases. The lightweight atmosphere and clarity of Stefan and Henning when bringing their experience to the table makes this workshop a lot of fun. As it's a method easy to explain for non-initiated in DDD and non-developers, I think I can directly apply it with stakeholders when starting a deeper data modeling project within my data analytics responsibilities.

The workshop is very clear and simple to follow. I loved that we had a lot of excercises. I will use the techniques we have learned to document certain processes in my company and to identify the connections between our different apps.

Stefan Hofer

About Stefan Hofer

Stefan is bad at drawing. However, he thinks he can acquire domain knowledge by drawing Domain Stories. Stefan studied Software Engineering in Austria and has a PhD in computer science. Since 2005, he has been working for WPS – Workplace Solutions Ltd. In Hamburg. Stefan hops from one domain to the next, assisting people to figure out how software can help them to get their job done.

All workshops by Stefan Hofer
Henning Schwentner

About Henning Schwentner

Henning loves programming in high quality. He lives this passion as coder, coach, and consultant at WPS – Workplace Solutions in Hamburg, Germany. There he helps teams to structure their monoliths or to build new systems from the beginning with a sustainable architecture. Henning is author of “Domain Storytelling – A Collaborative Modeling Method” and the as well as translator of “Domain-Driven Design kompakt”.

All workshops by Henning Schwentner

No dates are scheduled for this workshop. Let us know if you think we should organize it near you, or if you'd like to book it on premise in your organisation.

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