Leadership in Software Design

Strategies for driving DDD adaptation in your company
Gien Verschatse

Leadership in Software Design

Leadership in Software Design

Gien Verschatse
🇬🇧 English

Antwerp, Belgium
Carnot Wing
Total duration: 14h00

Timezone: Europe, Amsterdam
Monday June 2 09:30 - 17:30
Tuesday June 3 09:30 - 17:30


Discover practical answers to the question: "How do we convince others in our company to adopt DDD?" This workshop will equip you with tools and techniques needed to secure buy-in across all levels of the hierarchy and build a culture centered on quality software design. Through interactive sessions, you will learn how to effectively communicate the benefits of DDD to both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Whether you are a seasoned leader or simply trying to improve things, this workshop will provide valuable insights and real-world examples to help you lead successful DDD initiatives in your organization.

For who?

Leaders can be everywhere, whether you’re a software developer trying to improve things, or you have a CTO title.

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding software design strategies
  • Learning how to create a strategy for culture shift
  • Learning how to pitch DDD in your company


  • The training is programming language agnostic
  • Attendees should have a basic knowledge of DDD


  • Software Design Strategy
  • Turn signals into strategy
  • Proactive decision making
  • Brutal DDD pitch
  • Negotiating techniques

Collaborative Software Design

Written by Evelyn van Kelle, Gien Verschatse, and Kenny Baas-Schwegler, with forewords by Diana Montalion and Trond Hjorteland - Published by Manning

Collaborative Software Design combines its authors’ deep experience in behavioral science, decision-making theory and software architecture into an essential guide for making collaborative design decisions. You’ll learn to use process visualizations, engaging sessions, and social dynamic management to ensure every stakeholder is contributing their vital insights to a project. Best of all, the skills you’ll learn make it easy for software teams to develop software directly with their stakeholders—no need to rely on a centralized or top-down design.

Gien Verschatse

About Gien Verschatse

Gien Verschatse is an experienced consultant and software engineer that specialises in domain modelling and software architecture. She's fluent in both object-oriented and functional programming, mostly in .NET. As a Domain-Driven Design practitioner, she always looks to bridge the gaps between experts, users, and engineers.

Gien is studying Computer Science at the OU in the Netherlands. As a side interest, she's researching the science of decision-making strategies, to help teams improve how they make technical and organisational decisions. She shares her knowledge by speaking and teaching at international conferences.

And when she is not doing all that, you'll find her on the sofa, reading a book and sipping coffee.

All workshops by Gien Verschatse

Leadership in Software Design

Gien Verschatse
🇬🇧 English

Antwerp, Belgium
Carnot Wing
Total duration: 14h00

Timezone: Europe, Amsterdam
Monday June 2 09:30 - 17:30
Tuesday June 3 09:30 - 17:30

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